Monday, August 25, 2008

Forwarded Email Truth ~ Probably NOT

A huge pet-peeve of mine is people automatically forwarding emails without a second thought. I appreciate their intentions. Really. I do. But please. It only takes a few minutes to check something out to see if it's true or not. Why don't we just give that a try before we hit the Forward button? Huh?? Please???

I can't tell you how many times that I have had to send emails to friends to inform them that what they've been forwarding is indeed a hoax. Some of them appreciate it ~ many of them don't. Doesn't matter to me, really, if they appreciate it or not. They need to be aware that they are helping to spread lies, gossip, half truths, hoaxes.

And with November getting closer and closer, I'm getting more and more emails about politics and religion. Seriously. Most of these are coming to me from Christians. It's shameful.

From all the emails, one would think that Barak Obama was the anti-christ and John McCain was Michael the arc-angel. The jest? Don't vote for Obama ~ he'll drag us straight into hell but if you vote for McCain ~ he'll take us directly into righteousness. Neither are true.

We are to have a personal relationship with God. If you believe in Jesus Christ, you are not going to hell. NO matter what Barak Obama does if he were to lead this country.

And if you believe in Jesus Christ then He has made you righteous Through HIM. Doesn't matter what John McCain does if he were to lead this country.

I understand both sides of the issue. I'm not really even talking politics here. So, please, no emails about politics! I'm talking about a relationship with Christ that is a personal one.

Vote the way that seems best to you and to your faith.

And think next time before you forward something derogatory about Barak Obama. Every email I've received from well meaning Christians that has anything to do with Obama has been false. This falseness is being spread by hands that are supposed to represent Truth. These things should not be so.