Thursday, July 3, 2008


"The church has failed to follow her appointed pathway of separation, holiness, heavenliness and testimony to an absent but coming Christ; she has turned aside from that purpose to the work of civilizing the world, building magnificent temples, and acquiring earthly power and wealth, and, in this way, has ceased to follow in the footsteps of Him who had not where to lay His head."

~ C.I. Scofield

"Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy.
When it went to Rome, it became an organization.
When it went to Europe, it became a culture.
When it came to America, it became a business."

~author unknown

"God is most glorified when we are most satisfied in Him"

~John Piper

When Jesus Christ is your satisfaction; When He is your rest, your delight, your strong tower, your everything, your all in all, that is what brings Him glory and honor. When Jesus is the ultimate treasure, not money or houses or cars, that is what brings real riches, peace and joy.

What is being preached from some major pulpits is idolatry. The truth of the gospel is being perverted. The gospel is that God sent His son, Jesus, born of a virgin, Mary, who walked on this earth as a man that lived a sinless life and gave Himself as The sacrifice for the sins of the world when He was crucified on a cross, bled and died and rose again the third day and is now seated at the right hand of the Father God. Blessed be God forever.

To say that God sent us His son who paid the ultimate sacrifice for sins (His life) so that I can have a bunch of money in the bank, drive the best cars and live in the biggest house is sickening. And you can't deny that that is what they say. I know from personal experience. I was one of them. Just as thick into it as you could possibly get. They are preaching lies and deceit that will turn you away from the one and only REAL AND TRUE GOD.

You may not think so now but neither did I. I thought that it was real too. It's not. Read your bibles without any influence from them. I began by reading Romans over and over and over. I must have read it 50 times in a row. I would read it out of the King James and out of the New Living. It took a while but I finally began to see the light of the scriptures and when I did it was like a whole new world with God emerged.

God loves me for who I am and not for what I can do for Him. (What could I possibly do to impress Him anyway? He's God.) He wants to bless me and I don't have to "sow a seed" to buy His blessings or favor or mercy or grace. (What monetary gift "seed" could I give that would impress the God of the universe anyway? That's really ridiculous indeed. And it does turn into "give to get" no matter how much you deny it.) God wants me to be the person that He created me to be and not the person that someone else demands that I be. It's so easy to be deceived by all them. So easy.

My biggest mistake... Not reading the bible for myself without their influences. But I was young in my Christian walk, even though that is no excuse ~ we are called to discern and test. I didn't do that. I just believed what they said and ran deep into the lions den. It was only by the endless grace of God that I (we) got out. It hurt for a long time but today I'm so thankful and grateful.

I can only pray that if you are reading this that you will run fast the other way ~ it just might save your life, your marriage, your family, and your relationship with God.

Have a great day.